December 14, 2015 1 Creating Community to Minimize Bullying In a school, when we make the commitment to minimize bullying, we have to take a number of steps [...]
December 23, 2013 0 Our Daughters, Ourselves: working towards a healthier body image The other day I took a picture of a small group of 14-year-old girls. When I showed it to them, one of them [...]
August 28, 2013 4 Bullying – What Schools Can Do Scenario 1: Jane is an average girl in seventh grade – she does well in school; is cute but not [...]
August 9, 2013 0 Consequences of Bullying Jonah Mowry, the boy in the YouTube video above, is only one of the many people whose lives have been [...]
August 2, 2013 1 Bullying on Television I have never had cable television at home and therefore have never watched much TV. But a few weeks ago, our [...]