August 22, 2016 12 Breakout EDU: Gamifying Professional Development At our school, we believe that a strong school philosophy is the basis for everything. So, every year in [...]
August 15, 2016 13 Individualized Professional Development At the Community for Learning, we didn’t use very much individualized professional [...]
August 8, 2016 7 Common Professional Development Challenges When Tami and I decided to open The Community for Learning, we made a long list of the ways we felt [...]
May 26, 2016 5 Protocols For Peer Feedback in the Classroom A couple of months ago, we began trying out protocols for professional development with our teachers and [...]
May 16, 2016 2 Using Protocols in Professional Development In one of my favorite Twitter chat groups, #BFC530, someone recently recommended the book Protocols for [...]
May 9, 2016 3 Hosting an Edcamp: EdcampRD Everything we do in life starts with a dream. Our tech coach, Eladio, had been dreaming of [...]
April 24, 2016 10 Non-Traditional Teaching: Embracing Our Nickname as “The Hippie School” Quite some time ago, it came to our attention that people who don’t know much about us [...]
April 10, 2016 7 Edcamp for Professional Development Last weekend I was lucky enough to go to the ASCD conference in Atlanta. Five educators from [...]
March 22, 2016 3 An Interview With Artist Stephanie Logroño A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of seeing an art exhibition by one of our alumni, [...]